Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Open Letter: Where I stand

Open Letter
Where I Stand?

   This letter was written to bring forth clarity on a community outcry. As educated leaders, political leaders are humbled by the actions of the few. And as horrible and cowardly the actions against the Jersey City, New Jersey policeman was -- please for give me. 

   I can no longer look into the eyes of men, who grew up in the same domain as I -- with the hardships from the same terrene that poverty has plagued our race and gender. And say: "Fight on, justice will be served." I can no longer look a mother in the face and say: "Your fight is winning when it's not." When her child was shot down with the gun in question, not having his finger prints on it. Then sentenced to serve time for a crime he fit a description of. 
No, I will not stand idly by while jobs, and economic development are shipped to everyone else but men who share the same pigment as me. I can't say to my educated brothers, while pledging to them a notion, there's a stronger city -- if they join a cause that demonizes them, while sending them to prison. Thus saying to them with an inspirational theory to fight on "Justice will be served." 

    I can't stand idly by when young men who believe in a dream that this country promises, but turns into an angry nightmare after they turn 18 because that nightmare was created off of an assumption. No, I will not. As hard as this seams, our men are victims. We are victims of an assumption that is based on a description. We are victims of our gender and race being impractical because of our history.We are victims of being segregated from our own women, based on our economic downfall. 

   We are victims of a life, we can't enjoy based on practical policies designed to imprison us; and classify us to be unworthy of the economical advantages, other benefit from. Yes, I will say this: "We are victims to a society, that has marked us enemy of the state. We are pushed to a corner; since the powers of segregation and hate, is mightier then the persistent passion for love, and peace. As we see, jobs go to everyone but us. And the few that are able to strap by have to settle for wages; not worth the same standards, this American Dream provides for others. 

   We are victims of a label or labeling on playing the race card -- when unjust strickens our economical lives. I stand here today, writing this note on the internet; just to say this: "What is wrong with men that look like me?" Are our blood not red like yours? Are our sweat not wet like yours? Are our brains not built to learn like yours? Can our leaders, lead just like yours? And if you don't respect our leaders, why should we as men: whom are trying to do right, respect your leaders and laws." 

   As a black man in this country, all I want is a chance. A chance to bring home enough funds to say to our wives: "Sweaty, I can finally pay the light bill." A chance to send our sons to a paid sports camp, and be his hero: no a street corner zero. A chance to mole a role figure in our daughters' lives and not be the next ni88a on the block. Who can send her to Broadway play, and not some street corner to be played! 

   Society hates men like me so much, that no matter what we do: we are demonized based on a perception. Would a white man: wearing a suit and a tie, be subjected to an assault or fit a description as a black male does from officers who are hired to protect the law. 

  Men that have the same pigment as me, aren't animals -- don't belong in cages, or cells. They want what every citizen of this country wants, a chance to grow, and feed their families. It's the role of society, that has created the haves and the have nots, to where they have pushed African American males into a corner of no return. And ran their leaders away. I stand with them the African American male, who just want a chance to work in a country that discriminate against us no matter what we do. In this country we are discriminated on if we achieve a degree from a university of a higher education. We are discriminated on if we commit a crime, and payed our dues and services. I'm tired of this discontent for a perception or a description. 

Friday, November 16, 2012

Jersey City's Resolve

These last 8 years in Jersey City have seen a sputnik like disassembling approach to leadership roles in local government. Mayoral candidate and current incumbent mayor Jerry Healy has turn politics; leadership into a wait and see, copy paste movement to square off any doubtful reactions to his lacking style on governance. Jeremiah Healy has been absent on issues that effect the general public; like job creation, [local] public safety [as he would say crime is down; while JCPD does a solid job on what their told to do], plus governance with local government. On Job Creation [local jobs] Mayor Healy has been on the wrong side of business growth. His administration's long standing battle with Spectra Energy, has damaged Jersey City's perception on out of state companies -- creating a valuable service for the city abroad. He cried [technically speaking] out on corruption within his rant on out sourcing local jobs; and revenue sharing. Jersey City would be getting from Spectra Energy in terms of business profit sharing; 3000 direct jobs, with 2000 more indirect jobs and $2 million in tax revenue from the company's local profit sharing. The mayor cried $2 million in profit sharing, and 3000 jobs wasn't good enough -- he wanted Spectra Energy to produce more. So Spectra made a promise that majority of the jobs will be probated to the locals. The mayor's response then turned to this project is unsafe. As it would create a ring of fire around Jersey City; with the subjective views that scared the public; with vague ideas that have no particular merit.

Mayor Healy, lost those battles as FERC the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission concluded that Spectra Energy agreed to the stricter government oversight -- plus the hardest regulations on an industry in terms of public safety; consumer safety, workers safety, hazard control and many issues that require government control.

Mayor Healy wanted to out source the roles of government to anyone else but his administration -- on the premises of lack of transparency, when it was his own administration's incompetent education on governmental roles.

Its the local municipality's job to ensure that there's a monitoring board of locals -- who can insure or make insurances that these businesses are up to par on the local regulations stricken down. Like having paid staffers that are coordinating with OSHA on workers safety, and compensation. Or, having paid staffers from a local energy commission to monitor.

His response to how his administration handled Hurricane Sandy, he spins it as a wonderfull job done. Yet, in reports -- he has been gone from the aftermath. Jersey City intersection with no police

Journal Square in the dark for Days We already know that this is Mayor Healy’s spin team, as to where they are making it seem as if Mayor Healy has a remote chance in 2013. And by saying that he will be re-elected actually means something. Look, in the last three election cycles anyone that has been endorsed by Team Healy has lost, and the only time Healy’s endorsement worked is when the field of candidates where at ten. Which is what was the case with David Donnelly, who only won because the other candidates split the anti-Healy vote. And in cases where the number of candidates didn’t overwhelmed voters, you had Healy resulting in a lost.

Healy backed BOE candidates for the last three years have all lost their elections. Healy’s hand picked council representatives in Kami Amhad and Ray Velasquez were all bust, and lost their elections. Healy has been on the roll call for everything. Like telling people to leave low areas of Jersey City at 7am during the surge of the storm, was a great idea. Yes, I applaud Mayor Healy for doing such, a great leader. And then when he heard the dangers happened in Jersey City, he shows up to the OEM office at 2pm the day after the storm – clueless on what to do next. And instead of making critical orders and choices, he issues a press release, and waits for a phone call from President Barack Obama. And in that press release, he says: “Crime is down, we only had 4 arrest,” yet no officer was in plain sight until days after the storm, because they were occupied with protecting Jersey City Heights, while many of the police officers were stuck in their own homes, because the process to organize them wasn’t there since Mayor Healy was out of town and when he got back in town – he was at Healy’s Tavern.

There’s still no explanation on the three buildings that fell down, or any mention of what will happen to the businesses that were damaged by looting and robbery during the first couple of days of the black out in the aftermath. Also, there’s no explanation to why 80% of the senior citizen building were properly managed during the aftermath. Meaning emergency generators should have been put in place for these buildings.

Which brings it back to my questions? What happen to the $2.9 million dollars in SBIR funds granted to Jersey City, New Jersey for the Department of Energy? Like where did that moneys in which was rewarded to Jersey City Redevelopment Agency on behalf of small business like Jersey City Incinerator Authority – to provide a service of back up generators? Here’s what happen to that plan, Mayor Healy copy-pasted the idea, marked it off as his own, used the funds to buy 100 solar generators (use them as trash cans) and placed them around the city as SHOW AND TELL. And an audit review shows that those solar trash cans were worth $1 million, so were did the other $1.9 million go. (Waste abuse and complete (showman ship of government fraud)

Why weren’t PSE&G and the other utility companies fully read for Jersey City’s challenges; when everyone was disbursing people to Jersey City as the safe zone? It’s bad when the safe zone is worse than the areas that were predicted to have problems. And what makes it even worse is the notion that the safe zone was bad because of management. You can’t take created for a job well done, when you managed the safe zone to be worse than the zones in which the storm was suppose to effect.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Stand Up

Four Scores and Two Years ago, I’ve came to this assembly, with a mission and proposal – which was to engage the electric on one of the critical ongoing problem this municipality faces. It was this same administration that saw 32 straight weeks of teenage crimes. One of which was an innocent by-stander walking off the bus, and walking into a bullet. No-reprimands from this administration to the family, of that fallen student -- from Lincoln High School as of to this day.

As I stand on this platform, as a man that protested this administration – rallied a recall of this entire administration, fought toe-to-toe with this administration on one critical issue. Teenage Crime! As I walk in this valley of deception, and political patronage – I find this administration as a body of underachievers, and abusive deceivers. It’s incumbent on us all that this great city of Jersey City relinquishes of your assemblies’ services of power.

The amount of discontent and disrespect that comes from the members of this entire administration goes unwarranted and should be fired. And to the many members that watch this sermon on public television, I want you to ask yourself – has mayor Jerramiah Healy delivered his pledge and promises. Which include the insurances of public safety, a sound formidable solution for the youth, and recreational services? Has this mayor provide a gateway for economic growth in terms of creditable plans for Housing, Health, and leadership.

I can say upon to you that this answer is NO!

NO: This mayor may say he forced the clean-up of the chromium on Garfield – It was the Federal Government and the people that forced this mayor to implant a half-as clean-up on the problem created by PPG over 80 years ago. Why, since the FEDS brought that area with stolen money, donated to a campaign from a person using his office to exploit donations? And we the people, protested – organized walks, and outrage which placed public pressure on this mayor to clean-up the clean up.

NO: This mayor will say: he created programs for the youth, but the truth of the matter is 300 employees were fired in 2010. Where all of them came from the recreational department! What has happened, we have seen spikes in crime – spikes with problems on Senior Citizen’s transportation and services that give seniors something to do while in their retirement.

NO: Teenage Crime is on the rise, since 2010 – we have since four consecutive 32 straight weeks of crime. And we have seen over 300 young citizens either kilt or harmed by gun fire, we have seen abuse from police officers grow, and more gun standoff with civilian and police officers then ever before.

The public is dying for new leadership, and not the same type of deception we have seen over the last 8 years. The types of deception were 23 members of our public were tricked into a game configured by this same leader.

On Economic Growth has Healy delivered?

NO: We have seen banks close up shop and move out; we are looking at those achieving parvenu earnings: were they acquired wealth through political patronage. Plus, mocking the usage and terms of philanthropy by killing Non-Profit organizations in Jersey City, New Jersey by forcing them to make political campaign contributions for grant approvals. Then we public watched the almost closing of the Jersey City Museum, and the closing of Jersey City’s police academy. With an administration that draft ordinances on resident as if those who stand at this podium is the archenemy of this central government. Forcing a monarchy of nepotism everyone can see in the midst of an economic crisis. With ordinances that far exceed the rules and regulations of the federal government. As if the city of Jersey City has more power and authority to proceed in governing than the obligations of the federal government.

To those who support Mayor Healy, I say upon to you: Don’t be fooled by the water in which promises milk, but gives you this fake guinea out of the bottle. Mayor Healy’s entire administration has been a lampoon of limp scapegoats, belfry of leaders lacking leadership. From Goldman Sachs, to Spectra – Team Healy has been on the opposite end of economic growth, not because of the notion of people security, yet more to the relevance of campaign scrutiny and contributions to the Healy Foundation.

Now is that moment in time to make a chance for the betterment of Jersey City, New Jersey. We have had and seen enough of this administration in the eight years of failed leadership. Problems after other is enough, since social services is the highest in the state, and unemployment builds a socio-economic culture in Jersey City. Plus government commissions like the JCRA (Jersey City Redevelopment Agency), JCEDC (Jersey City Economic Development Corporation) JCHA (Jersey City Housing Authority) can only survive on grant funding or CBGS. Which means funds are limited because these autonomous agencies have no plans for growth and development?

To members in the African American community, this is your moment to stand up and change a culture of expectance. We don’t have to settle for mediocrity and exclusion or perception of inclusion of a selected few, in order to keep the continuous base happy.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Political Opinion: Who Creates Jobs?

In these days, we all wonder: who is in charge of creating jobs, Government or employers -- elected leaders seeking re-election, or Entrepreneurs, small business owners, or public employees? That's is one of the major questions of the day. TheFanNJ: Omar Dyer had to view this option after being told by elected leaders in Hudson County on who creates the jobs. So now we will have a countdown clock, and TheFanNJ will sit and wait until our government leaders can create the jobs, and who signs the paper work for the checks to be written.

Read Omar Dyer's Letter to Hudson County officials!

Organization Letter
Coaches! 101 (PAC)
PO Box 4463
Jersey City NJ 07304

The economic woes of New Jersey are getting steeper, and leaders are making promises and demands they can’t generally keep. In a meeting in Jersey City, New Jersey: Council representative Radames Velasquez made a general statement: “We can create jobs, we know what we are doing, and we will create jobs.” And this comment was made when the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission had its general meeting on natural gas. Here’s the truth, local and state government can’t create jobs – they can only create rules and regulations, place sanctions or recommendations for such – local government can approve or deny facilitation of contracts. They are not and can’t create jobs – as local government shouldn’t be in the business of job creation.

I’m a small business owner, and if I wanted to add 100 more employees to my company – I would have to file in New Jersey: CBT: 100 – which is a corporation business tax return. And while filing for that return, you would have to pay a filing fee of $500 for each employee—whereas if you do your mathematics on this equation: 100 people times $500 is $5,000. On top of that, there’s a permit fee in local municipalities that would need to be addressed: and these fees are subjected to administrative rules and regulations. That’s another, $2,500 dollars in out of pocket expenses to just pay off the filing fees and administrative cost. Then you have to pay that dividend on payroll taxes, unemployment insurance, health insurance, life insurance, social security per employee which comes out to amount of 45% of projected revenue for 100 employees. All of this comes out on the fiscal numbers of $150,000 in operational cost for taxes on employment – which don’t include employee salaries and other compensations.

And for me to reach my height in a demand to expand my business – I would need to file on the federal level with the Internal Revenue Service a 1120(PL), an 1120(S), a f2441, apply and qualify for the Federal TTRA so my small business can file a f8885, and 3800.

Now if an investor wanted to invest in my small business – which also helps raise revenue for my small business—(me) I don’t know what the other business have to file is an 8038, which includes 8038 (TC, R T) and then have state and local monitoring boards approve of the filings. This would have to be done in order, to hire 100 people.

That’s just for operational cost that includes actual employment; it has nothing to do with needed manufacturing cost—which is office supplies, cost of production services, and executive compensation. And in the federal rulings – operational cost of manufacturing are not taxable source for a credit or deduction. That means, it would have to come from private equity – and since banks need insurances, that their funds are going to be replenished a small business would need to know, who’s going to pay for these non-employment expenses: Government.
If so, I am waiting for Jersey City Councilman Radames Velasquez, and Mayor Jerramiah Healy, to write me a check for $150,000 in order to create 100 jobs, for my company.

Since, it’s these leaders that are making general statements in public – that are directed to my small business, which is an advocacy group – non-profit company, about who and how jobs are created. Then they should be held accountable for the statements they make in public – as if they know what is best for their communities, and then they should compensate business and people, for the working demands. Our program has been on a waiver from the federal government for two years: and you do pay waiver fees – which means, we are $14004 in filing fees, for a contract that is $150,000 waiting to be approved. So who is going to repay, my company the $14004 already paid to the federal government for a contract that has been worked on worth $150,000 in operational cost on actual employment?

This is the major problem when leaders are trying to make political statements, in public for political gain – without knowing the details of the facts. These leaders have never had a private job—or owned a private company. Not a CBG company: which is a community block grant – a private company in the finance world that deals with everything that I am talking about? And when these leaders can say, they are more equipped to program these events, and then pay me $150,000 to offset my cost, and allow leaders in government to help me create 100 jobs for people unemployed. And since 6,000 people in Jersey City New Jersey is currently not employed: I will have a countdown clock waiting for the $150,000 check from Jersey City, New Jersey – that will create jobs, because you guys are the leaders, you guys knows what is best and you’re the government, you can create the jobs. So here are my forms, and regulations – plus what I have already paid: can you please tell my unemployed residents – which you’re job creators for, and not small business and entrepreneurs—when will I get my check, so there can be actual employment.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Natural Gas

In Jersey City, New Jersey there is a fight going on with natural gas. While many whom fear the patterns of change, believe some of the mis-information and lies going forth from Mayor Jerramiah Healy’s administration. They are all in line with information that isn’t creditable, when Jersey City’s homeland security team, and risk management team released a plan to ban natural gas companies, and their pipelines from harboring Jersey City’s population. Many people would like to know – where are the growths of employment going to come from. Since, a Mayor can’t create jobs, but a Mayor can prevent outside agencies from doing business in city. And from data tracking, independent sources on public information – where it’s well noted that Jersey City, NJ is the highest in the state in long-term unemployment, unemployment, social assistance, and middle class relief. Jersey City right now is facing 10% unemployment ratings – that means, 25,000 of the 250,000 people living in the city is now unemployed. The unemployed ratio is a factor of under-employed, where they are employed, receive temporary assistance because of the levels of pay are too low, and don’t work more than 25 hours per-week.

That’s not the important problem going on – whereas the most important criteria for any pipeline ban, is based on mis-information. Like, the current technology is light years ahead of the information and fears coming out of an administration – that doesn’t have a clue on energy policies. Mayor Jerramiah Healy may be in violation of Pub. L. 107-174, which is the (No Fear Act). This prevents federal agencies from discriminating –using the whistleblower laws, as a means of protection. And since Mayor Jerramiah Healy made this a personal fight – where he forced bans on pipeline expansion. A ban on pipeline expansion means this: nobody can invent, invest or do business in technical piping industry because of this ban. Which means, new technology can’t be consumed, information can’t be shared – and job creation can’t be achieved.

The problems with this Spectra Energy feud, has nothing to do with the concerning factors – of natural gas. Which has been the safest exploration of gas for the last 30 years – plus the #1 creator of jobs in America is Natural Gas! This problem that we are seeing in Jersey City, New Jersey has everything to do with compensation, abuse of power – and a dying administrations attempt to revitalize a political career.

Here’s what happens when you place a ban on business looking to engage in businesses:

1. A Pipeline ban: Prevents any business from exchanging technology
2. A Pipeline ban: prevents employment exploration
3. Contracts with the federal energy regulatory commission from monitoring new technology
4. Stops unions and labor agreements, prevents economic growth
5. New technology from growing or enhancing
6. It also stops regulation and permit fees – plus revenue sharing from the entire industry

TheFanNJ: Omar Dyer is in no favor of Spectra’s plans on this pipeline expansion. What TheFanNJ: Omar Dyer is in favor are fair – open and honest discussions and policies that enable businesses, and technology advancements. A fair process in the system, like: Mayor Jerramiah Healy, and his administration had every right to object to the policy. They have had every right to file for an intervene status – yet, they shouldn’t be in the political arena on mis-informing the public, placing a ban on an industry – while forcing campaign contributions in the process. Those are clear violations of the (No Fear Act) Pub. L. 107-174, which means Mayor Healy can’t attend, or be involved with an organization that has a title against a certain entity. And Mayor Jerramiah Healy is clearly involved with No Gas Pipeline of Jersey City.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Recalling Mayor Healy

Office of the City Clerk
C/O Robert Byrne
C/O Jersey City Council
280 Grove Street
Jersey City NJ 07302
Public Complaint for Private / Public advocate
Saftey and living issues

Dear: Mayor Jerramiah Healy,

To much is going-on in the city of Jersey City where these drastic events, and unproper living standards. The Florrence Street Apartment Complex also known as: Montgomery Projects is by far the worst kept complex in all of Hudson County. In my best opinion from touring the place five times in the last 3 years – the place has gotten worst. With complete floors empty and closed off to the general public, and the upper floors are a pathway statation for drug trafficking and usage. These complexes have become what they label on the street – a crack house, better terms a condemned complex. The halls are dirty, and haven’t been painted or redone in 10 years – apartments are completely empty and sealed off from the public. The floors haven’t been maintained in recent memory; where there are caters of human feces, drug contraband and parafina, harvesting the hall ways, starways, elevators and ect:

The sad and sudden part of this managled mess is there is also campaign literature in these places, meaning ELECTED, and I will repeat this elected officials have toured this complex – seen how badly kept the complex is, and has done nothing to improve the conditions.

This complex is a serious health issue to the general public, it’s a health issue to the perception of the city, and it will lead it infestations of rodents such as: mice, rat, king rats, vermints, possiums, voles, and muskrats. All of these rodents, can carry diseases that can filter into the human.

List of Diseases attracked to humans

Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrom, (HPS): is a deadly disease transmitted by infected rodents through urine, droppings, or saliva. Humans can contract the disease when they breathe in aerosolized virus. HPS was first recognized in 1993 and has since been identified throughout the United States. Although rare, HPS is potentially deadly. Rodent control in and around the home remains the primary strategy for preventing hantavirus infection.

Murine Typhus: Murine typhus (caused by infection with R. typhi) occurs worldwide and is transmitted to humans by rat fleas. Flea-infested rats can be found throughout the year in humid tropical environments, but in temperate regions are most common during the warm summer months. Travelers who visit in rat-infested buildings and homes, especially in harbor or riverine environments, can be at risk for exposure to the agent of murine typhus.

Rat-bite fever (RBF): Rat-bite fever (RBF) is a systemic bacterial illness caused by Streptobacillus moniliformis that can be acquired through the bite or scratch of a rodent or the ingestion of food or water contaminated with rat feces.

Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium: As its name suggests, it causes a typhoid-like disease in mice. In humans S. Typhimurium does not cause as severe disease as S. Typhi, and is not normally fatal. The disease is characterized by diarrhea, abdominal cramps, vomiting and nausea, and generally lasts up to 7 days. Unfortunately, in immunocompromized people, that is the elderly, young, or people with depressed immune systems, Salmonella infections are often fatal if they are not treated with antibiotics.

Leptospirosis: Leptospirosis is a bacterial disease that affects humans and animals. It is caused by bacteria of the genus Leptospira. In humans it causes a wide range of symptoms, and some infected persons may have no symptoms at all. Symptoms of leptospirosis include high fever, severe headache, chills, muscle aches, and vomiting, and may include jaundice (yellow skin and eyes), red eyes, abdominal pain, diarrhea, or a rash. If the disease is not treated, the patient could develop kidney damage, meningitis (inflammation of the membrane around the brain and spinal cord), liver failure, and respiratory distress. In rare cases death occurs.

Eosinophilic Meningitis: Eosinophilic meningitis is an infection of the brain occurring in association with an increase in the number of eosinophils, white blood cells that are associated with infection with worms that penetrate into the body. The organism most commonly causing eosinophilic meningitis is a rat lung worm called angiostrongylus cantonensis.

All of these symtoms are a common closure of what many doctors say is: asthma and bronchitis, and it is important the the city of Jersey City investigate, plus control such heath hazards. Yet, that doesn’t undermind and under-value the real concern going on in low income areas. As a potential candidate touring the streets—canvassing the area for signatures to be placed on the ballot. I had to endure these terrible conditions, and notice that nothing is being done – the people are tired of living in this mess, and many of them don’t have jobs.

It would be beneficial to hire some of those living in these conditions to clean up or maitence the facility in which they live. It would also show a common interest to have the Housing Authority contract services for security to monitor these places – and that those whom are hired are from the city of Jersey City.

And in the Freemont Ave Complex, also known as: Booker T. Washington Complex – I had to endure a gun fight with individuals whom has no respect for the citizens living in the complex, or the children playing in the neighboring park. I then asked them about the respect of hood life in these complexes, and many of the citizens say – nobody cares about our problems, this part of the community isn’t in the best interest of Jersey City, no jobs, no support – nothing, but promises and campaign pledges.

And that isn’t the least of our problems in Jersey City many of the residents don’t respect the police because of the excessive force. And there are many cases of death by the hands of those hired to protect our way of life. People or the citizens of the city shouldn’t be afraid of the law enforcement department. It leads to an increase in violant crimes, which makes my claim even stronger. It’s been 620 days since Omar Dyer (Me) first contacted this administration about the levels of crime, and lack of mentoring programs or job placement programs in Jersey City.

It’s now time for your leadership to step aside, because the Healy Administration has made it worst to be a citizen in this city, a public official, an officer of the law, a law enforcement agent – or anyone appointed in commission by the federal or state government.

In my recommendation, if Florrence Street Apartment Complex, isn’t a fixable concern for Jersey City, then closed that place down – and if Jersey City’s mayor can’t provide protection to the people that live in or around the Freemont Ave Complex, then both the council representative, council president, and mayor’s administrative staff should be sanctioned. And as a public notary in commission appointed as a public / private advocate of Hudson County, with a legal practiced advocacy group: Coaches! 101 (PAC), and our local establishment of the Public Complaint Committee (Jersey City): we will send leters to the State Department of Health and Human Services, and Federal Department of Health and Human Services, and the Council on Local Mandates, to enforce the ruling of sanctions on a mayor of the township or city, for violating N.J.A.C. 13:54, N.J.S.A. 52:14B-5.1c, and Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000. Since this is a serious health hazards to the people and business that are contracted by the state, federal and municipality to do or live around these settings.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Mayor Healy Resign!

Mayor Jerramiah Healy has leashed his war on business in New Jersey's second largest city, forcing major budget cuts--lose of income, jobs and anything that doesn't pay into his political crime system.

TheFanNJ (Omar Dyer) has been opening up the eyes of those that believe the corrupt ways of this Mayor.


Mayor Healy, "We've got to get Viola Richardson."

Jack Shaw, "She's on the Jersey City Redevelopment Board, and is one that would stamp this through."

Solomon Dwek, "Garfield Ave is ran by a Hedge Fund, so I don't want to be left out and forgot about."

Mayor Healy, "No we need your money, and we like those that like to do business with the city."