Thursday, December 9, 2010
The Steve Lipski Deal
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Recalling Mayor Jerramaih Heally
Hudson County has the worst rated governmental leadership at the county and municipal levels in the state of New Jersey. Inpendent polling date: compiled from PHRA reports and searching tools, show Hudson County's leadership and government are ranked 19th out of the 21 executive branches. And Hudson County's the Educational Department fell to 12th in the state of New Jersey -- where Jersey City has seen all of their public schools lined up at the bottom. Even Mayor Healy's Job approval Ratings show almost 75% dumbs down -- where 80% would like to see the mayor recalled.
The worst schools in New Jersey: Snyder High School, Dikerson High is the second, third is Ferris, and Lincoln high leads Jersey City as the best of the worst schools in New Jersey. This is embarrassing: Jersey City's Mayor should be fired. Since having no alternative programming once school is over is that great or bad for education. Studies show that when students engage in learning outside of the normal schooling hours -- test score rise dramatically. Not only does it set the decorum for advancement class--but extracurricular activities outside of normal school functions bring part-time jobs and mentors for the youth. Everyone knows that the Mayor doesn't control the educational department --now when it comes to after-school programs, yes the MAYOR has full authority over the fiscal issues of faith based and community outreach programs.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Mayor Healy v. SBIR Program
Who's Omar Dyer -- he's a Hoboken Native (Born and raised) spent two years at the University of Oregon, and moved to Jersey City, NJ in 2004. After budget cuts with a couple of financial firms. Omar Dyer created Coaches! 101 and has been sharing information with companies and government ever since. Under the guidelines and rules for the Department of Energy: Omar Dyer's company and principal program fall under the guidelines for the SBIR Program. Yet, Jersey City has had problems with funding or looking for contributions for work they haven't done. This fight with Spectra isn't about Spectra: we believe this fight is with Coaches! 101 and our program. Omar Dyer wrote letters to the Editor, and hopes they will publish them to reach a broad audience.
Dear Editor:
Small Business Innovation Research:
The Department of Energy has released earmarked funds to a few companies in New Jersey to participate with NASA, on the growth of technology for research advancements that will find alternative solutions to energy. The Small business Innovation Research Program grants contracts to (S) Corporations that publicly won the GSA contract: Known on the Fed-Market.
As the CEO of an information initiative program: The Next Generation of Leaders – we won such a contract. As seen on public television for the last few months, I have been fighting hard to bring the principal program to Jersey City. Jersey City has full jurisdiction of the presiding factors of this company, when we want to seek approbations from the federal government. The moneys, granted from the SBIR Program to The Next Generation of Leaders Program: cost the taxpayer absolutely nothing: while bring jobs to High School Seniors, and college freshmen – who are interested in science, and have no other solutions for jobs. We are in an area where crime is on the rise within our youth, and this Mayor has been against anything this company (Coaches! 101) has proposed. And used smoke and mirrors to hide the underlining fact—first the Mayor was against supplement relief proposed by Steven Fulop: when Fulop wanted to help home-owners. Team Healy, voted no: and said they were afraid of the applicants who would apply for this: (They were afraid to Help Omar Dyer and Coaches! 101).
And now since the Department of Energy has been willing to step in and take over the program: The Next Generation of Leaders; where we will hire Jersey City citizens to inspect energy problems in Jersey City—like the Gas Pipeline.
And as a smoke and mirror to hide the truth: the Mayor uses his fight with Spectra and a Texas Energy company to prevent alternative solutions in Jersey City NJ. The Mayor will not tell you the truth, and is using this high profile case to underscore the real teeth. His fight isn’t with Spectra: Spectra is the headline to hide the truth, this fight is against my program. And that’s why I support the fight to remove Mayor Healy. My recall of the Mayor is because of the negligence that will cost Jersey City to lose $1.5 million dollars in job creation and training. I am writing this letter to say: I need help, and would like you all to join me. Some companies are not the enemy, and some CEOs are great people: and we can’t be afraid of evolution.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Chambers Department and Bill Gaughan
After the meeting with members of the Chambers of Commerce, lots of key contributors where linked together, and later conversations have made the public weary of how the money was shipped.
Council Member Bill Gaughan of Jersey City, one of the longest members’ active in the council, with over 20 years holds a title in Jersey City. Recently reported $2,500 of moneys going to CSID Management, just weeks after meeting with members following the Chamber of Commerce officials. Bill Gaughan was later knowingly became friends this contributor from a foreign country (who's name isn't mention) yet, Facebook confirms their affiliation. Facebook Friend
Now, it's not a political crime to donate moneys to a local civic organization if you're a foreign company. It becomes a political crime when the civic organization then ship the moneys to local party affiliates--which tips the scale on how moneys are raised, and what's going to campaigns.
And this report isn't about or trying to harm foreign investors, and foreign money, this report isn't trying to damage the liability of the Chamber of Commerce. This report is done because once the chamber of commerce left, where did the money go. Well, it didn't go where it was suppose to, and connections made, leaving questions not answered. When you have people in office making choices, raising local taxes, and living above the rules, only to appoint and help elect those that contribute to their campaigns, is the reason why people are screaming: Corruption.
Political Activist, Omar Dyer, spoke on this issue and question the noise, where he was attacked by those in political positions. Omar Dyer, doesn't want to place public servants in prison for abusing the system, by reporting it. Yet, there has to be a level of fairness when political powers invest in public interest. Omar Dyer released his letter to the editor, and maybe it will get published.
Dear Editor:
Jersey City, New Jersey is looking for leadership, and that leadership should come from somewhere. With the recent decline in trust for the people whom have been elected or appointed into office – we are finding our businesses in Jersey City in struggle mode. Companies are finding it harder and harder to do business in Jersey City – while this mayor and his administration are now embarrassing this state and city around the globe. Recently council persons, Bill Gaughan, assembly person Joan Quigley has been toasting around with the Chamber of Commerce, and along with County Sheriff – who’s looking for re-election. The whole column (B) ticket should now be under federal audit, which got a public note from the President of the United States "Barack Obama." The Chamber of Commerce has helped foreign companies (unwillingly)donate moneys that should go to local business—which were taxpayer funded; and it wasn’t meant to go on campaigns with political aspirations of candidates, of their party’s choosing. Which becomes a major problem with the case about Solomon Dwek? Taxpayer funded money, shouldn't go to campaigns, and that’s why there’s a federal probe running in Jersey City. Taxpayer funds are meant to go to local business, and someone’s campaign is not a business.
The system isn’t broken; leadership in the system is broke – instead of looking out for the best interest of themselves and not the interest of laws and regulations on campaign finance. I am writing this letter to say, to those leaders going around taking donations, and abusing the chamber of commerce – in order of allowing foreign companies that donate to local campaigns: When you’re caught in this probe, what will you have to say to your family? What would you say to the people of these cities, and what will you say to the country for embarrassing this state? Campaigns are won on candidates – where people believe that the candidate can lead. Just because the chamber of commerce donates in good faith to a city in which you preside, doesn’t mean that moneys have to or should go into the local political leader’s war-chest, so that leader can finance a dying campaign. And my complaint isn’t just a democratic issue, it’s also a republican issue as well – since both parties are benefiting from abusing the Chamber of Commerce; in which they are laundering funds from foreign companies into local campaigns.
When those funds, should have went to local businesses, or the economic department in those cities? While publicly own small businesses like Coaches! 101 (my company) whom has won control of approbations of the SBIR Funds (Small Business Innovation Research Program) through the Department of Energy – plus the Public Library of Jersey City are having troubles with this administration in Jersey City NJ. It shows a lack of interest and will on supporting the local community, when our leaders are taking contributions and donating it to campaigns of their friends, instead of giving those moneys to a library, or pushing through an ordinance to achieve approbated funding for a federally traded publicly owned private company like Coaches! 101.
Omar Dyer
NJ's Political Pundit
The mystery of campaign finance happens in this world of political patronage. The Department of Commerce chairman, visited Jersey City NJ in on April, 22 2010.
Also, view his entire reports and make the voice for yourself, Bill Gaughan's ELEC Reports
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Healy gets Rejected!
To lobby the Texas Firm and congress on not allowing the pipeline for NYC to go through! So you mean to tell me after Mayor Healy hijacked the Pipeline meeting, forced locals that know more about the engineering and workings of the Deepwater project to be non-inclusive: plus tried to steal the thunder and show -- lose and had his letter laughed at by a Texas Firm, and now they are using non-payable moneys, which will be your tax dollars on a budget--which won't be paid back to lobby a Texas firm to not build that pipeline in Jersey City.
Who was in attendance, Sandra Cunningham, Mayor Healy, 12 other public officials, and 120 citizens from Jersey City, and they couldn't stop them -- what makes you think a lobbyist at $30,000--which is non-refunded moneys: (Meaning local taxes will go up regardless of the effort) to prevent something from happening. Mayor Healy is a failed Mayor PERIOD. And his people can say whatever they like about Omar Dyer, yet -- nothing Omar Dyer sends into Real Governmental leaders get rejected. It's time to get a dirty mayor out.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Letter to Mayor Healy -- VIA Internet
280 Grove Street, Jersey City NJ 07302
City Hall—office of the Mayor: Business
Mayor Jerramiah Healy:
Sir Healy, on behalf of volunteers in Hudson County, and majority of those that seek to engage in public service—which includes a young organization stepping into the democratic process: (DYNO) Democratic Youth National Organization; and Coaches! 101 (PAC) who’s letter head project is: The Next Generation of leaders Movement: we would like to raise a major concern that’s been plagued in Jersey City.
Over the last couple of years this organization has been over shadowed with working on the federal level for contracts and internship proposals. As an intern in 2008, this program was granted the right to apply for and receive.
Coaches! 101 were invited to work on and share ideas with the Department of Energy’s SBIR Program – under the Deepwater Horizon (ART) project. Our ideas where taken and this company is now trying to seek payment for helping the crisis in the Gulf Of Mexico.
After speaking to members of your Economic Development Center, and the Urban Enterprise Zone – the level of disrespect coming from this administration is unwarranted. CEO Omar Dyer was told over a phone call—his project didn’t qualify for the (ART) system – even though all the requirement were set, and ready to go under the DOE standards. Then CEO Omar Dyer was told by Cliff Adams: To go find a rich uncle to invest in. This is not how business and the perception of business should be handled with a city as high in caliber as Jersey City.
We have prepared a small package with all the information needed in order to prove that our program qualified for the funding, did work on the funding – was sent to receive payment, and is having problems with central and local government (Jersey City) on trying to achieve and receive funding that this program worked hard for.
The SBIR Program pays contracted specialist $100,000 to $3 million for each specialist in the program for a 9 month time period. With the SBIR program that $30 million set aside for this program has been suspended due to local government and bickering.
Our Company is hurting from the bickering and political restraints from Jersey City’s politics. That’s tax dollars we are behind on, and new growth opportunities we are back logged on – since nobody likes to work for free, and payment for this project has been set aside: and letters, plus public appearances has been push – brought forward, and other major concerns: we have asked the DOE to extend its funding deadline. We have until September 2, 2010 to secure these funds, and pay our back log of taxes, plus get paid for the work we have done. We have been asking for a meeting with You Mayor Healy since 2009 – on this structural problem, and if further neglecting continues our sources has no choice but to file a class-action lawsuit, and help the Committee doing the Recall of Team Healy.
Our program is not trying to undermined the mayor—or change the practical thinking, have political enemies: that cross reference in the name of business, be the squirrel about the level of patronage in local politics—spend wasteless time fighting local government about the use of political crimes. And be virtually, physically, and verbally in written or other tenure of communication abused on or about the level of participation and communication coming from staffers or administrators within the system governed by Team Healy; where it lead to the disrespect of core principle values in education and quality of life. Omar Dyer had no will or fight to become Jersey City’s next Mayor – or Council Persons in assembly of city government; even though some political aspirations do cater or fester into the future plans of Omar Dyer on the state and federal level– yet this company is one of the best and sound companies that was built online.
Where this company is changing the face of business and entrepreneur and through hard work and determination where financial relation has approved the standings of this company: we are here to confuse—Jersey City has a problem, and this problem needs to be addressed. Our Company doesn’t want to fester a lawsuit on the city of Jersey City, and our program doesn’t want to pilgrimage the rants on recalling elected leaders. And even though, our program wasn’t bread out of Jersey City, or catered to the political patronage in Jersey City – companies that do incredible work with the federal government deserves the moneys needed. In order to pay taxes, grant approval for other projects, and build a standing resume to attract other business to Jersey City. Coaches! 101 was groomed and created by becoming outstanding friends with leaders on the national level – we didn’t filter the need to be warranted to political patronage by local government. And we are not trying to undermine the policies or how the system is warranted by local government—yet with the level of political corruption being placed over the last few years: this national company deserves and respects the rights of the Federal Government, and the people who are inspired and invite our work to remain clean. That’s why things are done by the book and being disrespected my ever member of your administration beside: Council Person Steven Fulop is why we are being forced to support any effort to blemish this administration—when our program doesn’t want to. And we hope that we can get a meeting or have a discussion with the Mayor of Jersey City before our deadline. Our Problem can’t be sent to anyone else, or placed on anyone else’s desk—this problem belongs to Mayor Jerramiah Healy.
Our Program Qualified for the New Market Credit – which allows business to take: $250,000 over a seven year period to invest in a city of choice. Our Program also qualified for $100,000 in T.A.R.P. moneys – plus $100,000 for work done on the Deepwater Project. We are giving you this mayor all of our documents for you to manifest.
Thank You
Coaches! 101
CEO Omar Dyer: PO Box 4463 Jersey City NJ, 07304
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Dyer releases proof: JCEDC SUCKS!
Omar Dyer has done everything which includes working on projects -- why hasn't he gotten paid: Maybe it's Jersey City and New Jersey's political corruption on power, and not Omar Dyer.
Omar Dyer and Coaches! 101 is leashing a fury of letters showing their involvement with the federal government about important issues, that Jersey City’s current administration continues to claim they aren’t qualified for. So what Omar Dyer is now doing is placing the proof online, and allowing you the viewers to view and see for yourself – is Mayor Healy forcing bribes on people as a form of business. And if he’s not, then why is one of the biggest companies in America – have general financing troubles in the city of Jurisdiction.
It’s been 365 days, since Mayor Healy has made it publicly known that he was going to donate the moneys—given to him from Tiger Woods, to The Next Generation of Leaders Program, or Tiger would not comeback to Jersey City.
It’s also been that long since, Mayor Healy in public (Jersey Journal) stated he would sit down and talk to Coaches! 101’s CEO Omar Dyer. After going to every council meeting in Jersey City, and having the same people confess the same problem—“We will talk to Omar Dyer:” Dyer now releases his letters of approval about what he has been doing to help this country move forward.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Omar Dyer v Deputy Mayor McFadden
Dear Editor:
Jersey City since Mayor Healy’s re-election has been hit with the hardest level of crimes, in recent memory. The level of murders, teenagers involved in gun fire, and guns on the street is insane—where there needs to be some form of improvements. The youth of the city is scared, and they’re not getting due process with the men hired to protect them. I am a community activist, and a small business owner—who has been complaining about the level of violence; chances for small business to grow due to corruption, and the lack of leadership in this city. I can no-longer sit back and watch my generation: since I am only 29 years of age, be harmed and think nobody cares. The city of Jersey City needs to go in a new direction, and that direction doesn’t mean placing more police force on the streets—since that will only bring more armor in guns to the fight.
The way to combat against crime, is job placement—mentorship and leadership training. Which is something I have been stressing to this city for 365 days? It was 365 days ago, when I stepped foot in front of this city’s administration with a complaint, and a proposal that has worked in other hard hit cities! This administration engaged in a disrespectful vibe, and a will to force small business: to pay a share, for a government contract. That’s forcing a bribe, and it’s illegal. There are many business in this city that have a problem with the level of corruption in the Economic Development Center—where as they don’t want to speak out. My company, and my activism, will speak out for them. When I graduated from one of the top financing school in New York: we were trained on advancement through achievement, not paying to achieve. This administration and Mayor truly believes in companies paying them contributions for campaigns in order to do business in the city—where the level of power stays with one group of privileged citizens—who are running for these offices year in and year out.
As one of the members looking to recall: Mayor Healy—I am writing this letter to ask the people of Jersey City to open their doors—sign the petition, and allow this recall process to work. We just can’t sit back and say: This mayor needs to go, or something has to change, and when the moment comes to make that change—we walk away because we are afraid of the Leader’s raft. Well, if you sign that petition, you will not have to take on the blunt of the Mayor’s raft—I will do it for you, and I will stand in front of the Mayor to show him, I stand for the people. So please, allow the 22 citizens working hard to recall this mayor into your homes, and be a part of the process by signing the petition.
Omar Dyer
(31 District Representative Candidate)
PO Box 4463
Jersey City NJ 07304
While: Omar Dyer isn't educated enough to get public leaders to debate him in a forum-- he used his brains and wills to show case more watch his youtube video Omar Dyer v JCEDC
Thursday, July 29, 2010
TheFanNJ v *JCEDC* and Rose T. McFadden
Historical bank: Provident is closing it's doors and leaving Jersey City. They are tired of donating heavy contributions to Mayor Healy's cash cow--"JCEDC," and leaving for better leasing in Woodbridge New Jersey. With $7 billion in assets--they are scared to stay in Jersey City. See, it's not only me that Jersey City is saying your a...ssets don't qualify, now lending bank, Financial institution is saying the same thing about Jersey City's economic development.
A bank opened it's doors in 1839, and walks away in 2010--while the director of economic affairs--who's deputy mayor in Mary T. McFadden (rutgers grad) stated: So what another one will come in it's place. Sorry but has McFadden seen JC's business district: JFK, Ocean, MLK, and West Side: They have vacant stores--JC has 5,000 foreclosures: and she doesn't care that a lending bank is leaving. Banks that left, bank of America, Fleet, and other community banks, and now Provident. Something is wrong with the leadership in Jersey City.
Coaches! 101's blast off on Rosa T. McFadden:
Has Mrs. McFadden walked around Jersey City, or looked at how many vacant stores are on JFK, Ocean, and MLK. Has she even helped business grow--besides the ones that were forced to pay Healy's CASH Machine *JCEDC* of course they hate Coaches! 101 and Omar Dyer, they're crooks, and we stand up to CROOKS. Crooks are not black or poor, gangsters or live in the projects, some of the best CROOKS are those that go to finance school and make business and public financing a capitalist cash cow for power.
I am not hating on Mrs Rose McFadden, but if the JCEDC is going to fight with me and Coaches! 101, we not afraid of a fight.
Coaches! 101 is on the verge on landing a deal with Border book stores through Talyor LLC, and if that deal falls through--Coaches! 101 will be bigger than Google Books. And you mean to tell me, McFadden has no idea on what Coaches! 101 is. This is why Business are leaving Jersey City, and why Journal Square looks like a dog resting area with dog crap all over the place
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Keeping Government Honest: Corruption
Omar Dyer who's the lead organizer for the program has been in direct contact with this department for economic achievements or non-achievements.
Coaches! 101 has been working with the Department of Energy on resources and funding opportunities for their program. The SBIR program, is a funding tool for Small Business to achieve in. Coaches! 101 got notice to apply for this grant, and was told to contact local government: Coaches! 101's file number (Funding Opportunity Announcement Number: DE-PS36-09GO99015). Now the key moment for this type of funding is a selected few programs, or small business get chosen. It's up to local government to carry out the process. Now, here's where the problem get the thicker. In Jersey City--which is widely known for its level of corruption under Mayor Jeremiah Healy has been a problem of under the table campaign contributions forced on business in order to do business: in Hudson County. A letter sent to Steven Fulop: shows the level of contact with this program and a concerned council member: here's a sample of that letter: Dear Councilman Fulop: I am writing this letter and resolution to you asking you, to help our program reach its goal. Now as you know our problem in terms of general funding—where the Jersey City Economic Development Center, has not been able to abide help our program achieve basic funding. On, July 21, 2010—the DOE: Department of Energy has pushed aside $30 million to small business—whom are registered in their program to apply, through a city, and get $3 million in grant moneys to research and invent alternative energy resources. To read the full letter, please vist the Coaches! 101's website and follow the struggles of the company.
Now this blog is not attacking the City of Jersey City, New Jersey--yet something has to give. Only programs that pay the burden of giving the Mayor and his cash machine: $10,000 or $5,000 in campaign contributions knowing it's a crime: are the only business qualified to do business. TheFanNJ is keeping them honest! Watching government, when nobody else is!
Monday, July 26, 2010
New HCDO same old policies
Omar Dyer lefted his comment about this on Facebook:
Live keeping my blog open: Pictures worth a lot of words. I encourage you to click on the link, read the blog, surf the webpage--(Buy my book: "The Next Generation of Leaders Movement,"): It's really good, and support the people working hard for you. We now know local and state government is the worst at helping people unless your a f...riend of someone elected or a senior, and Federal Government can only do so much, since state and city government has the authority to pass federal funding. Maybe we should take out the middle man, because these leaders in New Jersey (some of them are about them). Many say Omar Dyer is about Omar Dyer, and none of them have worked or done anything with me or for me. My company is an open book, my personal history is an open book, and sometimes I have to resort to doing things for free to prove points. WOW! I wrote a book in a blog post. Hey go to Coaches! 101 and help me help you. The Next Generation of Leaders: Movement the book is a good book.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
TheFanNJ calling out Leona Beldini's Laywer
Student of the Law, TheFanNJ is now attacking Deputy Mayor Leona Beldini’s lawyer (will not mention) on violating the standards with attorney privileges when it comes to criminal cases. Since this was the first case of a long 44 proceeding, Beldini’s lawyer should have respected the ruling of the court, and not make a comment that can jeopardize the future proceedings of any other case brought in front of court that the United States’ General Attorney’s office or the State’s General Attorney’s office can bring up. The problem with the Beldini case has everything to do with using her position to set and create agendas for government officials. Agendas, that would impact the focus of a government, and create an unfair practice on what or who does business in Jersey City!
The jury found her guilty on taking moneys that went over the limit and then using bogus, or not reporting the moneys to the review boards—while granting permission to enhance government—whereas it would impact the fiscal budget. What’s so fishy in this case is the incoherent responses, and lack of knowledge on contribution laws. The leaders in this case would percolate the law to the fullest for other warranted members without the financial capital as Solomon Dwek, while bending the rules for any other business inquirer that has the capital of Solomon Dwek. Meaning they were in power to confuse, and ripe laws, and development—whereas any challenger would not or could not get that type of gratitude in respect.
TheFanNJ’s argument is: you can’t have one set of rules for the lesser and then have another set of rules for the greater—or if you hold power, there shouldn’t be grounds for one set of rules, and then grounds for another set of rules for those not in power.
In this case, there is clear evidence that a felony has been committed, and that the problems spur on one factor of using political powers—to enforce and enhance performance on a political agenda. In this case, it was an election year, and this was an unpopular Mayor—whom also had $2 million in their war-chest to win an election. These act violated state, and city laws on campaign contributions—from developers, and other political consultants. These acts gave an unfair advantage in government contracts; campaign finance or elections, and the simple fact that this was an election year—it was practical political abuse to influence government decisions. The type of decisions that can damage the perception of a city, and the government!
The people of Jersey City, and in New Jersey is should be outraged in the after math of this corruption on political abuse, and scandal for taking contributions that were over the limit—while knowing these proposals will not achieve the greater good. Using their position to entice a lefty contribution, or using their position to walk around financing laws in order to levitate a deeper pocket in the war-chest of the local political leader! These are political crimes, and they are abuse of political standards, on where or whom has the authority in a government whereas they are geared to hold on to their high ranking positions.
Mayor Healy's Deputy Mayor is wrong!
Omar Dyer's Response to what Mayor Healy is doing:
I can't believe the people of this city will allow Mayor Healy to courtside the type of abuse he's doing. He could have handled the job cuts in a better and fundamental way-which is to systematically over time cut down on the size of government. Yet, Mayor Healy will leash war on the people that elected him, after his top campaign manager, and Deputy Mayor got convicted on bribery charges-which are more concerns of political abuse. [Political abuse is using the nature of public office to ensure a project is being done in the favor of a prospective inquirer-with moneys funneled to the prospective campaign.]
In my eyes people will lose jobs because the Mayor Jeremiah Healy's go fish [Leona Beldini] got caught being greedy with moneys, that were indeed bribes-since it was to influence a project which will grant the allegedly developer more money back in guarantees once the project was completed. Any form of government can allow people to lose jobs because the city's Mayor's campaign treasurer / Deputy Mayor were found guilty on corruption charges. As a prominent leader for the community, who has been asked to speak on this agenda-I now think it's time to recall Mayor Healy, his partner Councilman at-large Mariano Vega, and Council woman at-large Willie Flood. Mayor Healy's leadership has included in begging the federal government for money [$20 million], Mayor Healy begged the State of New Jersey for money [$3 million + $14 million], and now he's forcing job cuts, tax hikes, and anything else. Mayor Healy is forcing an $800 tax increase for home owners that make over $100,000-where 5662 home in Jersey City have already been foreclosed on-it just doesn't make since to me. His ruling to cut 280 seasonal workers; which include 240 of them as part-timers, and 40 of them as full-time workers, just to hit them with a double whammy with property taxes increasing.
This mayor is fighting the Fire Chief with a massive cut, and closing down of cities rescue services, and I fell that the burden of the city's rescue service besides the police department will face heavy cuts as well. People voted for change in the 2009 New Jersey state elections, and they didn't get what they wanted-yet instead this city was embarrassed with a massive probe on corruption-which leads to an unpopular Mayor facing unpopular candidates-in an election he had beaten with 4.1 million, after already having $2 million in his war chest.
Mayor Healy didn't need the Solomon Dwek funds, and didn't need the corruption benefits. He would have won this election even if Dwek never showed up to his office at the local dinner instead of in City Hall. If, this is what the people wanted, and this is Change We Can See-Jersey City, New Jersey is in a whole lot of trouble, with financial and high unemployment numbers. I know think it's time for term limits in local government, since the level of corruption and the use of political power to deem people, is getting really serious where the people want to have their voice back.