Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Steve Lipski Deal

TheFanNJ is leasing a war of words on the internet in concerning the recent deal between Rosemary McFadden and Steve Lipski deal. Weeks prior to the deal negotiated behind closed doors, in a non-public setting – where a former citizen in politics approached the Mayor to gain a public job. TheFanNJ Speaks: “Where are the labor boards or the civil service unions, and any one that monitors affairs, this Steve Lipski deal isn't legal. Rosemary McFadden can't pay or give pay to a board member at $1, public boards can’t have undisclosed payments, or brokerage deals. It violates the 7th and 8th amendments and all labor laws—plus union contracts with municipal services. As in terms of health care cost, and other liabilities can't be placed in mention with a pay of a $1—when EOE laws state all federal and public employees get a pay of $7.15 an hour. If Rosemary wants to pay herself one dollar, she is more than willing to do so, but this contract with Steve Lipski is not legal. Omar Dyer is going to file a complaint and I hope others are with me. My reason is: how can any think Mayor Jerramiah Healy of Jersey City NJ, is capable of running the city; if he continues to hire people that have BLOWN budgets? Steve Lipski is the same guy that crashed the School Board Budget with Create Charter School, causing Mike Epps to get a verbal, cyber thrashing from Steve Fulop, and every reformer in the Jersey City. Create Charter school lasted only 4 years under the management of Steve Lipski (strike one). As a former council representative, he is a part of the blown budget, which contributed to a $50 million dollar budget deficit –while turning into a $90 million dollar budget deficit. My question and concern is, with this guy’s (Steve Lipski) history of closing and collapsing budgets—why was he even considered for the job of running the Economic Development Center. Sorry but Lipski shouldn't have even been let in the door--he's one of the reason Jersey City is FAILING. Now just imagine if Terry Dehere was to make McNair close down, then managed to sneak a job as the director of economic affairs in the city with a problem of managing business funds.”