Saturday, October 20, 2012

Stand Up

Four Scores and Two Years ago, I’ve came to this assembly, with a mission and proposal – which was to engage the electric on one of the critical ongoing problem this municipality faces. It was this same administration that saw 32 straight weeks of teenage crimes. One of which was an innocent by-stander walking off the bus, and walking into a bullet. No-reprimands from this administration to the family, of that fallen student -- from Lincoln High School as of to this day.

As I stand on this platform, as a man that protested this administration – rallied a recall of this entire administration, fought toe-to-toe with this administration on one critical issue. Teenage Crime! As I walk in this valley of deception, and political patronage – I find this administration as a body of underachievers, and abusive deceivers. It’s incumbent on us all that this great city of Jersey City relinquishes of your assemblies’ services of power.

The amount of discontent and disrespect that comes from the members of this entire administration goes unwarranted and should be fired. And to the many members that watch this sermon on public television, I want you to ask yourself – has mayor Jerramiah Healy delivered his pledge and promises. Which include the insurances of public safety, a sound formidable solution for the youth, and recreational services? Has this mayor provide a gateway for economic growth in terms of creditable plans for Housing, Health, and leadership.

I can say upon to you that this answer is NO!

NO: This mayor may say he forced the clean-up of the chromium on Garfield – It was the Federal Government and the people that forced this mayor to implant a half-as clean-up on the problem created by PPG over 80 years ago. Why, since the FEDS brought that area with stolen money, donated to a campaign from a person using his office to exploit donations? And we the people, protested – organized walks, and outrage which placed public pressure on this mayor to clean-up the clean up.

NO: This mayor will say: he created programs for the youth, but the truth of the matter is 300 employees were fired in 2010. Where all of them came from the recreational department! What has happened, we have seen spikes in crime – spikes with problems on Senior Citizen’s transportation and services that give seniors something to do while in their retirement.

NO: Teenage Crime is on the rise, since 2010 – we have since four consecutive 32 straight weeks of crime. And we have seen over 300 young citizens either kilt or harmed by gun fire, we have seen abuse from police officers grow, and more gun standoff with civilian and police officers then ever before.

The public is dying for new leadership, and not the same type of deception we have seen over the last 8 years. The types of deception were 23 members of our public were tricked into a game configured by this same leader.

On Economic Growth has Healy delivered?

NO: We have seen banks close up shop and move out; we are looking at those achieving parvenu earnings: were they acquired wealth through political patronage. Plus, mocking the usage and terms of philanthropy by killing Non-Profit organizations in Jersey City, New Jersey by forcing them to make political campaign contributions for grant approvals. Then we public watched the almost closing of the Jersey City Museum, and the closing of Jersey City’s police academy. With an administration that draft ordinances on resident as if those who stand at this podium is the archenemy of this central government. Forcing a monarchy of nepotism everyone can see in the midst of an economic crisis. With ordinances that far exceed the rules and regulations of the federal government. As if the city of Jersey City has more power and authority to proceed in governing than the obligations of the federal government.

To those who support Mayor Healy, I say upon to you: Don’t be fooled by the water in which promises milk, but gives you this fake guinea out of the bottle. Mayor Healy’s entire administration has been a lampoon of limp scapegoats, belfry of leaders lacking leadership. From Goldman Sachs, to Spectra – Team Healy has been on the opposite end of economic growth, not because of the notion of people security, yet more to the relevance of campaign scrutiny and contributions to the Healy Foundation.

Now is that moment in time to make a chance for the betterment of Jersey City, New Jersey. We have had and seen enough of this administration in the eight years of failed leadership. Problems after other is enough, since social services is the highest in the state, and unemployment builds a socio-economic culture in Jersey City. Plus government commissions like the JCRA (Jersey City Redevelopment Agency), JCEDC (Jersey City Economic Development Corporation) JCHA (Jersey City Housing Authority) can only survive on grant funding or CBGS. Which means funds are limited because these autonomous agencies have no plans for growth and development?

To members in the African American community, this is your moment to stand up and change a culture of expectance. We don’t have to settle for mediocrity and exclusion or perception of inclusion of a selected few, in order to keep the continuous base happy.