Monday, June 13, 2011

Omar Dyer opinion editorial

Jersey City Politics:

Local Politics never get this hot and grimy –this early on whereas very rarely does the opposition of the current administration—gains more credit than aspiring political achievers; whom happen to be backed by the administration of the Mayor.

At the round-table where a spawn of chest matches are tiding up – as it leaves the general public gasping for answers, and pundits marking their position to either be a pawn or foe; in a political civil war. Mayor Jerramiah Healy, is toxic meaning if the council dominated by Healy’s administration – whom have vowed their hips to the broken policies of the Mayor of Jersey City New Jersey.

This November, in Jersey City we have a special election to tag along with the general election. In an election season that was supposed to be the Super bowl of elections for New Jersey – turned out to be bust. Only five races in all of the Hudson County had a challenge, and the most heavily challenge with Sandra Bolden Cunningham—was a landslide and total bust. The other races failed to provide substance, and spunk to entice voter turnout. And with the discontent coming from Mayor Healy’s administration—more people are becoming more disenfranchised about any election that involved Mayor Jerramiah Healy. Popular consensus shows, 68% of those that vote on a regular basis doesn’t want – agree and hopes: Team Healy will leave, and take their policies with them.

The route to attack the local opposition in the newspaper leaves uncertainty in the political light of Mayor Jerramiah Healy. Recently a slew of letters and public challenges—leashed on to defame, or target Councilman Steven Fulop. In order to change the direction, shift the focus –while hiding the notion of what is the current problem in Jersey City. Which is money management? Jersey City is in need of a budget -- $557 million (up in the air budget); with a $477 million (on the record) budget; which has a $108 million budget gap. Then you have a Business Administrator closing everything down—with policies to create an impression of a smaller government. And with a $5 million to $6 million dollar tag for every layoff known to mankind—the obvious looms over this administration.

Mayor Jerramiah Healy is facing three things: the county and states highest home foreclosures at 45% above the state average of 7% on homes foreclosed on—given Jersey City as a pricey place to live. Jersey City has the most 30 year abatement—where every other city has given lower term 5 to 7 year abatements. Also haunting the Mayor is the jobs report – where Jersey City is #1 in the state of New Jersey with the most unemployed citizens, standing in at 11.6% -- which is 2% higher than the national average, meaning more than 13,000 new people are filing for unemployment benefits. And if you thought that was the dragon guarding the princess cabinet—you are gladly mistaken; Jersey City also has the largest population of Homeless citizens – topping New Jersey’s list. With over 6,000 citizens venturing the realms of homeless citizens in Jersey City, New Jersey. The question now being raised is: why won’t Mayor Jerramiah Healy resign. It’s not like his ideas are working, no they are remotely failing big time—and it’s because of cronyism and not political policies. Mayor Healy as been an anti-labor political leader; where he fired over 1,200 municipal workers of this 3 year span, and who knows on what has gone over his two terms.

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